Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Busy busy busy...

So a day in the life of a merchant mariner wife:

0630: My son wakes up with his gDiaper literally exploding…oh what joy to wake up to
0700: Finish the diaper change olympic and off for some breakfast of milk (which he will finally take       from a sippy) and a banana which he never wants to share with me
0830: Diaper change #2 and thank God it isn't an explosion!
0900: My mom calls and wants to chat about EVERYTHING as I'm trying to get both myself and Parker dressed but now have to do it with one hand since Parker slobbered all over the speaker on my phone so now it won't work.
0945: Finally out the door and headed to playgroup #1 for the day at a local church here in Modesto,CA.
1000: Yay, we made it on time! Now an hour filled with my son trying to eat the paint, rice, music instruments, and whatever else he can stick in his mouth! It's all about the social interactions though right?
1120: Leave playgroup #1 after diaper change #3 and grad a quick bite at the Pancake Place where Parker eats 2/3 of a pancake and throws the other third on the floor…actually a pretty good ratio for him, he must have been hungry!
1200: Arrive at playgroup #2 at the local park where Parker gets to play on the baby playground and mommy gets to talk to some real adults! YAY!!! Topic of conversation was how the songs from our kids tv shows get stuck in our heads and drive us crazy (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is really bad for this!)
1400: Leave park and head home for a much overdue nap and diaper change #4 after which mommy picks up the toys from the morning and does dishes which never seem to come to and end. I'm lucky today and manage to get a load of laundry done too!
1630: Parker wakes up and wants a snack so rice munchies, applesauce, and milk it is. Meanwhile I manage to put a turkey roast in the oven.
1800: Dinner done! Turkey roast, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and carrots, with cornbread muffins.
1815: Diaper change #4 and wrestling him into his high chair! Dinner time for Parker! He has decided that he hates mashed potatoes now so they end up all over the walls…
1900: Dinner time for mommy…starving by this time!
1930: Bath time for Parker which is like sitting in the splash zone at Sea World…you're gonna get wet!
2000: Last cup of milk for Parker, story time, and bed! I breath a small sigh or relief because it was only after 5 minutes of crying that he finally settles down! Time to clean up the kitchen and pick up the toys from the afternoon. I sit down to watch a DVR'd episode of The Big Bang Theory.
2200: Shower an eventually bedtime for me…long day

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