Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mommy Review: gDiapers

     While I was pregnant with Parker I was being the good expecting mom and reading all the latest books, blogs, and websites about everything relating to babies and to be honest it was incredibly overwhelming. One subject that I kept coming back to though was the diapering delima. To cloth diaper or not? Everything I was reading was saying that cloth diapering wasn't that beneficial for baby and it was a lot more work for the parents. It wasn't until I was about ready to pop that I finally met someone who cloth diapered and was able to ask all the questions that I was dying to know about. The main ones being, how difficult was it really and how was cleaning the poop. After a VERY long discussion I was convinced that I could do it. The only problem now was that through family and friends we had enough disposables to last us the first five months of Parkers life and honestly didn't have much money left over to buy a cloth diaper stash.
     I started to do my research and came across a company called gDiapers. At first I was in love just because of the cute factor. They make some pretty adorable diapers but as thrilled as I was about that I wasn't sold yet since over everything else these had to work! I read review after review and decided to try them out, and so began my search for the stash! I wanted to try a few before I loaded up on them so I looked around on eBay and ended up winning an auction for three new ones with the disposable liners. I originally wanted to use the cloth inserts but those would have to come later.
     At this point Parker was four months old and as far as babies go he was pretty average build. I used the inserts for about two weeks and was honestly surprised at how easy it was. I had been expecting to be up to my elbows in poop and for it to smell awful. There is poop involved but no worse than a disposable diaper. So now it was decision time! I was in love with these diapers and how well they worked for my family. To this day my son has NEVER had diaper rash and always has a cute bum! I went from that first stash of three to twenty-five…they are a bit addicting! I love this product and I know it isn't for every baby or every family but for ours it has been amazing. I feel better about having my baby in cloth now and I can tell a difference with him when I have had to put a "sposie" on him. I love that I don't have a trash can full of poopy diapers every week and I love even more that I don't have to buy diapers…EVER!
     ~A Converted gMum

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